This page NOT ONLY offers
instructions on how to
See your house from space
But you can find out how to see the
Space Station / as it passes over
your city, town, area.
This page has a lot of info including my videos of shuttle launches taken
from my back yard on Cape Coral FL 180 miles
from the launch site
I also have vids of the Shuttle and Space Station as they pass over my home
If any of the videos are NOT playing
Please email me from one of the contact links and tell me which one
Of course the shuttle has been retired.
See The launch videos
From the Discovery, Enterprise, Columbia and Atlantis
There are over 32 billion pages on the net
there IS A REASON why you found this One
I think it is fate
If you do not read this page you WILL MISS something
that could have changed your life or at least MADE IT BETTER
Please -- if you start to loose interest remember
You must bookmark this page
and come back here
until you find the reason
It may not be to see your house from space
It may be the link to the site to
"Get NASA and our military to adapt existing satellite picture taking technology
to assist police and find abducted Children Missing Women
and Men and solve other crimes"
OR the link to take full advantage of a bank promotion and get $1250.00 from the bank
while paying 1940'S prices for a gallon of gasoline
Or my page to get a great gift to send to Any Soldiers to show support
or maybe you were looking for a Miracle story -
told at the Award Winning Mickey Mantle Link Below
The reason you found this page
IS ON THIS PAGE ~~ I assure you
Once you see the info on this page is useful
and you were able to find your house from space and
You learned how to see the Space Station AND other satellites as they passes over your house
you may want to check out some of the
suggested links
They are ALL on the level and checked out by various internet watchdog organizations
Before we get to more info on Seeing your house from space
and how to see the Space Station as It passes over your house
and videos of the Space Shuttle Launches etcetera
Please take a moment at the LINKED Sponsor sites
They help keep my sites online
Above is one more way I can help others
If the Back Ground is Yellow there is an active Amber Alert
which means there is a child missing or abducted
First, For all you NASA Followers
Here is an Effort I founded To Get oor Military and N.A.S.A to assist police and help find Missing and Abducted Children Women and men and solve other crimes
using the same technology used to find Osama Bin Laden
and it is also used to view your house from space
To repeat: We have a petition SEEN HERE
asking our elected officials to adapt the existing Military and N.A.S.A. technology
to "assist police AND Help Find Missing and Abducted Women Children and Men and solve other crimes"
By providing police access to their system of high resolution, real time and archived satellite surveillance pictures and videos
If the police had this technology at their disposal
it would enable the police to follow the perps and find them and the victims within minutes
of committing the crime
AND SAVE lives
Click HERE to Launch That Page
Please Join in, educate yourself about the effort then ACT by singing the petition seen there
Some of my Videos and offers seen on on this page
have been seen on HLN ( HEAD LINE NEWS ) and CNN ( CABLE NEWS NETWORK )/
on their Ireport.com site after I submitted them to them
http://www.ireport.com site
********** ************* Here's my over 380 sunsets picture On Cape Coral without missing One Night - The webmaster and composer of this page - is me - Will Tomsk - ***** The reason for my efforts to help others ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See more of my personal Videos Before we get to the See your House from space or how to see the Space Station AND OTHER MAN MADE SPACE OBJECTS as they pass over your house **** Before we get to the info on Seeing your house from space ****** ********** Now One of my own inventions to help Support Our Troops It also offers an Honor System Military and Veterans Discount ~~~~~~~~ Thank you for making this page the nets #1 Book mark it and come back as you have time You have my permission to send this URL to any Media Outlets, Web Forums, TV Shows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now --- The April 5th 2010 Launch of the Shuttle Discovery as seen from my backyard ******** There are other videos on this page too !!! View my Videos of the Space Station Flying over of Cape Coral Florida, Dec 24th 2007 and DEC 24TH 2010 On this page you will see Space Shuttle launches I have been lucky enough to view about 7 of these launches I Have posted the last launch of the ill Fated Columbia Below ~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you find this page at all helpful ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am a disabled inventor, just trying to help others as you will MAY read ~~~~~~~~~~ Contact Webmaster = This page has many different resources linked from it How to see your house from space How to see the ~~~~~***~~~~~ Also DON'T miss the video of my ~~~~~~~~ That and Much More is all found on this Page !!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~ This next video shows you how to see the space station or ANY satellites that may be passing over your city town And house My NEXT Video is the March 15 2009 Launch of the Sapce Shuttle Discovery ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, You are sitting at a computer ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ You have yet to see the best As well as a link to a page on ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before we get to the Information On how to find your house from space .~~~~~**&800008&**~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~000~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Drop anchor HERE . Here is another way I can help others
. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manufactured / Modular / Mobile Homes for sale or rent ~~~~~~**~~~~~~ Information on Cape Coral Bingo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~***~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Crucifix Fish Bone NOW To See your House From Space Use the ( - + ) zoom feature to the left of the pictures and your mouse to move the view ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also Great for Moms to be / seniors/ handicapped Support the Troops by sending some of these to them ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~**88**~~~~~~~~ Next a video of Space Shuttle launches Now the Video of the latest launch Oct 23rd 2007 ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ The following video is of the Space station and shuttle flying over Cape Coral FL while they were connected ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** The next video is a bit disappointing as there was some cloud cover blocking a clear view ******************** We WILL NEVER FORGET ~~~~~**00**~~~~~ ~~~~~ The item seen on the above linked page **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** The patent for the Foot Eze universal foot care relexology foot massager is for sale **~~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~~** ~~~~~~**~~~~~~ Below is a video of Our The details on the home Interested -- Contact me ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ Its Christmas Time so Please take a moment to watch the folloing Video ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cape Coral also has on of ONLY Four Full size replicas of the Flag Raising on Iwo Jima which took place Feb 23rd 1945 `````````````` Here is a video of Gilligan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~***~~~~~~~~ Next a Video of a Mobile Home for sale Very Nice ~~~~~~~~ Here is A VIDEO OF JUST one month of the years worth of continuos nights sunsets pictures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . . . ~~~~~~**~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am also looking for cooperation from the military family forum sites It can be a way for military wives to supplement their income or the military family orientated SITES TO RAISE MONEY ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ Stop at the following sites If you need your computer fixed ALL work is 100% Guaranteed ********* Our encounter with Hurricane Charley & Hurricane Wilma on Cape Coral Florida- ~~~~~~**~~~~~~ ************* Below is a short video ~~~~~~**~~~~~~ Ideal Hunting Lodge, Summer Home, Retirement ot Year Round Abode Needs work but remember - IT IS over 100 years Old I know the video directly below is short **~~~~~~~~~&&~~~~~~~~~** ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
I am sure you see many interesting pages on the net This next one sounds like the typical internet come on, that is granted, I use this method and IT WORKS and I have received my $1250.00 already . TWO FOR ONE CAPE CORAL FLORIDA
two for one houses Cape Coral FL., FLA.
All od these are in Lee county florida and are great vacation destinations which are cheap and inexpensive if you are looking for inexpensive motels and cheap prices on attractions and entertainment - Sanibel Island, Pine Island, Captiva Island and Norht Captiva Island is the place to go for a cheap vaction spot. Cape Coral Bingo Info is here Cape Coral Christmans Boat Light Parade 2003 2012 annual Cape Coral Christmans Boat Light Parade 2012 Cape Coral Christmans Boat Light Parade 2001 Cape Coral Christmans Boat Light Parade 2000 A list of things to do while vacationing in cape coral florida, cheap housing in Cape Coral fl, places to see in cape coral fla. while on vacation visiting Before leaving The webmaster and composer of this page - B -- ill Tomsk - See YOUR house from space how can I see my home house from space Cape Coral FL From Space Find my house from the space shuttle. Hurricane charlie hurricane frances charley 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009.
to Get NASA TO help police find abducted children Missing Women Men and Solve other crimes Houses from space, see my house from space, see your house from sapce See a house from space Houses from the space shuttle space station Bob Husak, Bob Pavlik, cleveland plain dealer art gravure corporation cleveland ohio singerman, shrout, kuntz cuyahoga community college 1966 1965 1967 1968 1969 Freinds who died in Viet nam Bill Papa Bob Vitarius no real time No See you house city from space in real time Pictures I played bball with Dave Kuntz
Amzaing !!!
I am the inventor of the Foot-Eze Foot Care -
Hands Free Personal Foot Care & Hygiene Device
seen HERE
AND My second Invention
A Pontoon Boat Depth / Fish Finder Mounting Unit
Found exclusively on the net
and sharing my info and pages with all who find my pages
is related in this Mickey Mantle link
Click HERE for the award winning and Impelling Story
behind this picture and a Miracle I was granted
mICKEY Mantle is involved
which feature me getting a Great American Award
And being interviewed in regard to my efforts to help others
videos of the Space Shuttle Launches etcetera
Please take a moment at these sites
Send Any Soldiers great gifts in a care package by stopping @
This Link
consider what it has to offer
The Buy One Get One FREE
item is my own Invention
( the webmaster of this page
My patented innovation - the Foot Eze - seen there is Packaged By Adult Handicapped
By Participating you provide jobs for them TOO
"See your house from Space INFO Page"
There are just too may great links and videos
to look at - during one visit
which you visit allowing such links
on Cape Coral
180 miles from the Launch site and Kennedy Space Center
Cape Canaveral Florida
We did NOT think it was Santa !!!!!!!
And learn how to see the space station fly over your home
from Cape Coral Florida which is located
180 miles south west of Cape Canaveral
I will post the latest launches if the weather cooperates
But some days there too many clouds
Videos of the ones I do capture can be seen on this page
So again book mark this page and
check back a few hours after each launch to see if I caught it
It behooves you to
STOP @ the link to Support the Troops
It is my Personal Effort
using an invention of mine
to Show our boys and girls in the armed services
we care and have not forgotten them
Email me
the Blue and Gold Macaw 'Gilligan'
With your comments
Space Station
as it passes over your house
Some great private videos of Shuttle Launches
and Space Station Flyovers
( first is a video of a sonic boom as the Shuttle Landed for the last time )
1962 Bomb Shelter
Built Into my Home On Cape Coral, FL.
AND THE HOUSE is for sale
To anyone who makes a reasonable offer
Still to come on this page
How to see your house from space
How to see the Space Station as it flies over
Your area
It includes footage of an actual flyover of Cape Coral FL Dec 24th 2010
As Seen from Cape Coral FL which is 180 miles from the launch site
This one was seen on Headline News and CNN shows
45 years ago computers were in their infancy
We had not yet landed on the moon
But friends of mine died in VietNam
Please click on the video below to
Help me remember them
PLEASE, PLEASE have a pencil ready
& stop at the site listed to
Support the Troops
Click HERE
for my tribute to
Friends Killed in Viet Nam 45 years Ago
of My ( You Tube ID = imjustme ) Vids of some of the space shuttle launches
seen from my Back Yard
I live on Cape Coral FL - 180 miles from the launch site - some are spectacular
other space related videos can be seen in MY Videos On You Tube too
I have over 200 vids
with more than 1,600,000 views so some must be interesting
Don't go away !!!!!
Videos of space shuttle launches as seen from my backyard
- over 180 miles away
How to see your house from space
and view the Space Station as it is passing over your area
All of this an more is found from one of the links somewhere on this page
I offer the instructions on How to see
the space station and shuttle as it passes over your area
Click HERE
for the actual site I use
to see when the
Space Station
will pass over your house
It's really a simple site to navigate
And gives you ALL
the info you need to view the Space Station
as it flies over your Home
Watch the following Vid
To Support the Troops
For THE Official Cape Coral Christmans Boat Light Parade 2007 Page
See the Video of a parade too !!!!
By including the following Amber Notice Runner
in Cape Coral & Ft Myers FL. area
$4000.00 and UP
Has brought me luck and protection
To get one of these Good Luck /Protection Artifacts
Get this mystical icon =
and get two BONUSES
PLUS Make A DONATION to ANY cause you designate
By JUST typing in a zip code
Click HERE
To get to what I have found to be the Best
interactive site which EVEN the most novice of web surfers
can navigate around easily
this site seems to offer closer zooms
than any site I have found
even better than Google.Maps.com
Type in JUST your zip code or street address in the "Business / Location Search Box"
- then look for your house from space
and zoom in to see amazing details =
Your car parked in your front yard
Your garbage cans on the curb !!!!
ANY WHERE in the world
~ or see the amazing Cape Coral, Florida from space
Our zip is 33904
You will not believe all the canals you will see
Again - Get some of the Great Gifts seen above
to Send to Our Soliders ~ Anytime
The Foot eze is Many times more effective and easier to use the The Ped Egg
This device was invented By me, Cape Coral Resident Tomk
The sites offers a Military Discount to Veterans, any soldiers and their families
Go Here To Meet Gilligan
in Videos of Gilligan doing his tricks and Him Talking
Video of The Space Shuttle
Feb 7TH 2001 - March 8th 2001 and 16th Jan 2003 launches - from MY BACK YARD Cape Coral -----
Click on the individual pic to see a close-up view
The videos are on this page too
Above are pics from Feb 7th's and March 8th 2001
and the ill-fated Jan 16th launch of the Columbia Space Shuttle
as seen from my Back Yard on Palm Tree Blvd. in Cape Coral, FL
The Space Center is 180 miles away across and up state BUT
we see/saw them clearly
taken from our backyard -- 180 miles from the launch site
The last launch of the Columbia
is seen in this next video
God Bless their souls
Shuttle Discovery Launch Oct 23rd 2007
From 180 Miles Away
Video Shuttle Atlantis Feb 7th 180 miles
No More crying ~ My Feet are KILLING Me
Get Tomsk's Invention The Foot EZE
~ HERE ~
FREE SHIPPING for a limited time
send a boxful to soldiers in a care package anywhere in the world
even if you don't know any soldiers personally
To say Thank You for their sacrifices
to keep US ALL FREE AND Safe
Donate a part of the money to any cause you choose with a qualifying purchase
The Foot Eze
is Cape Coral Resident Bill Tomsk's own Invention
it was packaged by
Adult Handicapped
By participating in the offers you are helping provide jobs for them too
Bomb / Fallout shelter on Cape Coral FL
Thats right our house has a Fall Out Shelter
From the 1960's
And the house is for sale
This feature makes an Ideal Storm Shelter
And it is NOT really possible to put an asking price
On the home
Any buyers would have to make an Offer Based ON what they think
Their families safety is worth
with another Video Tour of the home are found
Vist the Cape Coral Christmas Boat Light Parade Page
And See what its like to celebrate Christmas in Florida
Next is my video of one of the parades
It is dedicated to 4 friends I lost In Viet Nam
They all died before Man ever stepped on the Moon
Visit the link displayed in the video
for my page to their memory too !!!!!
My Blue and Gold Macaw
talking and doing his tricks
which should get him a beer ad on TV
In N Ft Myers
Well kept
I have taken in Cape Coral
I took all od these myself and
did not miss one night for over a year
Click play to start the celebration-
For a Key West Like Event --
The Cape Coral Monthly Sunset Celebration at the yacht club info is found
is an interactive Road Map of Cape Coral
The Junkee Monkee
One Great Auction Site / Forums - Links - The Best Auctions
Or anyone who wants to earn money
By offering these
personal care for soldiers ( male or female )
devices for sale
to help keep this page on the net
Cape Coral - Uptown Bingo -
For the best, friendliest Bingo on the Cape
Click HERE
Or want to learn the tricks to keep your PC running at top efficiency
Alliance Computer Services is for you
You MUST EMAILS US AND Mention you saw the ad here
and were referred by this page TO GET YOUR discounts
YOU get 50% OFF YOUR FIRST service
and then the LOWEST PRICED Computer repairs YOU WILL find
we can do remote repairs anywhere in the World.
PayPal and credit cards accepted
email James for more info and MORE discounts at
HERE for the above Computer Repair offer
and commentary on Hurricane Katrina - Hurricane Rita Hurricanes Frances - Jeanne and Ivan
all of which had some impact on the Cape Coral area
Click HERE
for a larger view of the Path Of Charlie
Click Here for the Details on the
Century Home For sale
Then watch the video directly below
~ Rural Setting
with a 2 bdr mobile home added/attached, a fireplace room, fishing pond and huge Barn / garage - in Pierpont OH.
Off Ohio Rt 7 & Marcy Road Near Pymatuming Lake Reservoir -
about equidistant from Pittsburgh, PA. - Erie, PA. Cleveland, OH. and Yougstown
Under $45,000.00 will take it
A Place for the grand kids to get away
The rest of the video was destroyed NOT THE Century Home !!!!
The century house is in OHIO
I live in Florida
stop HERE for a Cape Coral Fun Page
Things to do - and Places to go
Photo Contest
Join in and share you ideas and experiences
are the Free Gifts for Moms to be - And Seniors
Ground track if shuttle lands on Orbit 202
for more on the groundtrack of landings
of the space shuttle
After ALL you found this one
So when I Find one I like to share it on my pages
BUT I assure you It is NOT
It is as good as it gets
~ as impossible as it may to be to believe ~
It is one of the offers seen on CNN / Ireport.com so It is real
Do you want to know how to
take FULL ADVANTAGE of a Bank Promotion and
Get up to $1250.00 from a major bank's promotion
while paying 1940's prices for your fuel and groceries ???
while paying less than the 1940 prices
In addition to the Limited time / Limited Number / discount
for everyone who stops at the link -
there is an Honor System Military
Veterans, wives and Families Discount associated with the offer
No proof or service is required
this is NO come on and NO snake oil -- It works
IF you follow the instructions
Watch the Interview linked from the page
and read what those who have the info say
- It's Proven and Guaranteed
and Protected by PayPals Buyer Protection !!!!
To find out how to GET YOUR MONEY and pay the 1940's prices
Click HERE
Cape Coral Christmans Boat Light Parade 2011 dec 19th 2012
is a link where you can Donate to ANY charity YOU CHOOSE
Spinal Injury Foundation - Tsunami Relief Fund - Save the Children
and get Some very nice gifts including a Foot-Eze as a nice FREE gift and fine jewelry
A % of some of the desiganated items final value goes to the cause YOU DESIGNATE
RealTime right now
is the inventor of the Pontoon Boat plans and ALSO THE "Foot-Eze" Foot Care - Personal Hygiene Device Found
as the BONUS item with most of the donation listings
August Houses from space things to do on vacation in Florida discovery atlantis endevour space shuttle launches on video space station sightings how to see my home street from a satellite in real time right now yesterday today as IT is today
Cleveland Ohio
New York New York
Beaver Falls PA
Howie Gross Mort Kane
Ava jessica janice R The Foot eze is Many times more effective and easier to use the The Ped Egg
Bill Beskid, Lenny Kunka Gloria Hrynak, lynn swann shwann, Bob Johnson, Barry White, Bob White, Nick Toth 1966 Cuyahoga Community College Tri C basketball 1965 1966 1967 - Ed Stoch is a singerman Coach Eugene Amari Track Coach Tri-c Track team 1966 1967